If you are not happy with the services offered by the Indian postal department, you can lodge a complaint. In general you can file a complaint within in 60 days of the completion of the transaction. The number of days varies from service to service. Check with the official site for more details.
There are different ways to book a charge and each one is detailed below:
If are facing any issues with your speed post, you can directly call the customer care of India post. The contact numbers are provided below.
City | Contact No | Manager Contact | Email id |
Ahmedabad | 1800 2337999 | 079 22860564 | nsh.ahmedabad |
Bangalore | 080 22867302 | 080 22892045 | spc.bangalore |
Chennai | 044-22313282, 22313200, 22313201 | 044-22345508 | nsh.chennai |
Delhi | 1800 119888 | 011 23365480 | spc.delhi |
Hyderabad | 040 23463925 | 040 23463929 | spc.hyderabad |
Kochi | 0484 2353486 | 0484 2352291 | spckochi@gmail.com |
Kolkata | 033 22120476 | 033 22121160 | spc.kolkata |
Mumbai | 022 26156125 | 022 26156093 | spc.mumbai |
Pune | 020 26121570 | 020 26121528 | spc.pune |
Note: All the email ids end with @indiapost.gov.in
Tip: Keep all the details with you like receipt numbers, registered post tracking number and complaint registration number. This will help you in following up with the postal department employees. Always better to keep higher official informed about your problem. They will help you in solving your issues.